April 11, 2012

A Haitian Easter Celebration

This Easter we celebrated part of our day with some new friends Hatian style. We had been invited over to the home of a friend who is an international student and we weren't expecting such an amazing feast! But, lucky us, we got to experience a traditional Hatian Easter meal with all kinds of new flavorful foods. Here are a few mouth watering photos:

fried tilapia

I got to try plantains and lobster for the first time-delicious...And I loved the different rices with beans.

It was fun making new friends, learning about Haiti, singing a few worship songs together to celebrate our risen King.

Earlier in the day, I even got a little catnap in with the newborn baby. Needed that...

Later, we did an Easter egg hunt with our boys and gave them their basket full of goodies.

(By the way, did you know putting an Easter egg in a whisk is a great way to let little kids dye their eggs? That is, until you take the egg out and they squeeze them. Gotta love strong little two year olds...)

It was a really fun Easter to remember! 


  1. Aww.. looks like a great time!! And thank you for the tip about the whisk! My daughter smashed our eggs :)

  2. What a wonderful and sweet post!

    Check this out...I showed you some love!



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