April 18, 2012

Spring Medallion Garland

I have loved the look of medallions ever since I saw them in last month's issue of Better Homes and Garden's. Have you ever seen Sweet Paul's ideas? I love pretty much all of them and I want to make everything he's done. Here are the wall medallions he made-aren't they pretty?

Source: bhg.com via Kristina on Pinterest

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These seemed really easy to make so I decided to try some mini ones for my mantle. It's been looking a little bare since all the major holidays are over so I figure these springy flowers would add nice pops of color and spice things up.  And they do!

Here's the easy tutorial for making some of your own:

You will need: 

  • decorative paper at least 20" long (I used handmade wrapping paper)
  • scissors-straight or decorative cut
  • paper glue or glue gun
  • yarn, twine or string
  • scrap paper in different colors for center circles
First, cut your strips about 20" long using decorative or regular scissors. 
(The wider the strip, the larger the medallion--my mini ones were about 2 inches wide.)

Then, fold each strip about 1/4 " -1/2" wide accordion style.

Next, glue the short ends together to form a tube.

Before you flatten each tube, cut out circles in different shapes and colors to add to the centers of the medallions.

Now it's time to flatten each medallion and glue together at the center.
Add your circles to the centers with a dot of hot glue or paper glue.

To make into a garland, I hot glued my medallions to the back of twine to stretch the length of my mantle.

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And here are a few shots of my finished Spring medallion garland:

 These were really fun to make and I plan on making bigger ones in different colors next time a good excuse for a party rolls around. They would be a great way to repurpose a catalog or an old book, don't you think?

Hope you enjoyed this post and thanks for visiting ReMadeSimple!

Linking up with these parties.


  1. Love the paper you choose and the color is fabulous! Thanks for sharing maybe I will try a rendition of these soon.

  2. Very cute Kristina. I'll have to make some to 'dress up' my kitchen shelves once they are painted! The mantel is so pretty!

    1. Thanks, Teresa! I'm sure those would be really pretty and add nice pops of color on your kitchen shelves!

  3. ADORABLE!! Hope you can link this up at my turquoise lovin' party!! http://www.sweetlittlegals.com

  4. You are so creative, these look super cute!

  5. absolutely adorable! pinning this because I think it might look great in our vestibule.

  6. How cute! I didnt know those things were so simple to make! I love it!

    1. Thanks, Kelley-They really are simpler than they look!

  7. These are so cute! You have a beautiful blog, thank you for all your inspiration!

    1. Thanks, Monika!

      I appreciate your kind words-thanks for taking the time to write them :)

  8. this is so cute! i think i may need to try ;) thanks for the tutorial! pinning it! :)


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