May 12, 2012

Eight Years

Well, it has been a busy week for me around here! My husband Jeff and I celebrated our 8th wedding Anniversary on May 8th. Can't believe it's been that long! I'm thankful to be married to my best friend and of course life hasn't been perfect but I can truly say we've laughed more times than we've argued. 

We have definitely had some adventures together and I can see that God already has done "immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us". We had this verse from Ephesians read on our wedding day and it has really been the story of our lives as we continue to walk by faith.

 A few words on my husband: He really gets me and is so supportive with all my creative endeavors-even when my projects invade all rooms of the house and I have to ask him one more time to help me with a camera setting or technical support. 

He is the one to lighten the mood with humor when I get stressed and tells me to escape from the demands of mommyhood to coffee with a friend, the craft store, or a nice walk. All that to say I'm really proud of the man he is and is becoming-still glad I said "yes"! 

For our special day, I arranged babysitting for our 3 little boys and snuck away to a pretty park and cozy French/Italian restaurant. The food was amazing! 

Oh, and I got surprised with this gorgeous bouquet: 

8 years ago on our wedding day

This made me really happy!  Yes, they smell as sweet as they look. 

As far as my projects, I took a little break from crafting and posting so I could get serious about choosing and buying paint colors, lighting, and a new mirror for my bathroom redo. 

 I have finally decided on the colors I want! I can't wait to show you the "before's" and after's". After a year and a half of icy blue walls, boring lighting and mirror and a 1980's floral wallpapered door I've had enough. Stay tuned in the next few weeks for by big reveal! 

Thanks for visiting ReMadeSimple! 


  1. Yea! Congrats on your 8 years together! We're coming up on our first anniversary next month! Can't wait to see what you're doing with your bathroom :)

    1. Thanks, Sarah! Time really does go fast! Hope you have a great celebration for your first anniversary-and yes, I'm so excited about my bathroom redo, thanks for your kind words!

  2. Congrats! We just celebrated our 7th last year!

  3. Aaahh, Happy Anniversary!! And it's great to take breaks, especially if it means working on a big special project. Looking forward to seeing what you're working on!

    1. Thanks, Trina! Yeah, it's kind of hard feeling like I'm neglecting the blog but there's only so much I can do while I'm trying to finish painting-I am excited about my new colors in the bathroom-almost done!

  4. Happy Happy 8th Anniversary to you both! Looking forward to the bathroom redo...I need inspiration.

    1. Thanks! It took me a long time to figure out what look I was going for but I am excited-almost done with the painting part-next it will be new mirror and lighting!


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