May 30, 2012

My Summer Bucket List: 10 Things to Do Before Summer is Gone!

The weather is getting warmer and summer is just about here! And this month's issue of Better Homes and Gardens had a really great idea: Create a summer bucket list (or "sand pail list") of things you want to do before summer slips away. 

 I'm one of those people that can get so busy taking care of my kids and home that I sometimes forget to get out to that event or adventure. And, of course, summer is the easiest time to get out and have fun (at least here in the Midwest).

But, this year I'm determined to try do do as many of these as possible. And, because my kids aren't in school yet, I consider summer lasting until mid-September. So, here goes! 

My Summer Bucket List: 10 Things To Do Before It's Gone! 

1. Take the family to the beach. We don't live near the ocean, but in the Great Lakes area there are a few nice places to go that are just a short drive away. These were some of my best memories growing up and I want my kids to have fun making sandcastles and splashing around in the warm water together. 

2. Go on some family bike rides.  Our 2 and 3 year old boys have had a blast riding in one of these while daddy "drives". 

A little challenging to do right now with all of us since our 3 month old is too young for a bike trailer, but I plan on finding a babysitter for a few afternoons until little guy gets bigger so I can ride too.  And it will be fun next spring-because we can all go! 

3. Paint the older boys' bedroom. Because it's easier to do with windows open to let fresh air in. The plan is to rip up the cheap carpeting, paint the floors white, walls gray with orange and navy accents. I want to stencil cute transportation pictures, like airplanes in the air, cars on a track down lower on the wall and maybe a few chalkboard sections? Oh, and some stenciled glow in the dark stars on the ceiling, pennants and name banners. (Here's a link to my Pinterest Kids Room Idea board for their room if you're interested in taking a peek).

4. Grow an Italian garden-with Roma tomatoes, zucchini and basil. And, at the end of the summer, I want to make and freeze big batches of homemade pasta sauce, oven-dried tomatoes and pesto with the mini harvest. This one won't be hard to do because I've done it for the past few years and everything is already planted, thanks to the hubby! 

5. Attend an outdoor concert. We have a beautiful outdoor amphitheater at our zoo and I am super excited that I got tickets to see and hear the beautiful Sarah McLachlan! I am treating myself to an early birthday present on June 27th. I've been a fan since the 90's and I can't believe in her latest tour complete with symphony orchestra she is stopping by neck of the woods!

Source: via Legacy on Pinterest

6. Go to a summer festival. Our area is full of art and culture and every summer their are festivals nearby to celebrate all of these things. My favorite one is coming up this weekend-the Old West End Festival-located in a historic district with gorgeous Victorian houses. The streets will be filled with art displays, music, huge yard sales, good food and fun kids' activities. Hopefully it won't be hot!

7. Garage/yard sales. I want to take advantage of some treasures I might find for my crafty projects as well as clothes for the kids-the best time of year for this because there are some neighborhood-wide sales to sift through.

8. Schedule out a family vacation. I'll looking into beach house rentals mid-September somewhere on the east coast-hoping to catch a good deal and visit some east coast friends along the way!

9. Schedule a fall/Christmas crafting party. Last year, I held one of these at my house in the beginning of September with a few crafty friends so we could get a head start on fall and Christmas decorating and also homemade gifts before the season got too hectic to even think about making something homemade. It was a blast and I want to do it again!

10. Me time! Being a mom to 3 little boys is more than a full-time job. It can be hard to escape and relax but it is necessary! I want really appreciate the beauty of being outdoors and take a break from all the busyness.

Like sitting on the porch at night with a few candles, laying out on my hammock under the trees, taking a bike ride all by myself, journaling, or wandering around a pretty park or beach just to unwind...

Don't let summer slip by...what are you wanting to do this season?

Printing out this list, sticking it on the fridge and hoping for a summer filled with fun, relaxation and adventure! 


  1. Mmmm... I enjoyed this post. What a wonderful idea, and a balanced list you made of fun/summer/productivity. Hope you complete it all! And I'll soon write a similar post linking credit back to you :)

    1. Thanks,Trina! I hope I get to do it all too-glad you liked this idea too :) Have fun making your "bucket list"!

  2. At least you have a plan now - hope you get to all of them this summer!

    1. You're right Tam, -at least I have a plan-I hope I get to do most of it!


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