November 23, 2012

DIY Winter Snowflake Garland

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Today, on Black Friday, I didn't join all the crazies in lines at the stores and road rage on the road.  Instead, after a fun and relaxing Thanksgiving with my family, I decided to get to work on some DIY Christmas decorations like these beauties. 

I love browsing through catalogs for ideas I can make the cheaper copycat way. I got inspired to make this lacey garland after seeing Land of Nod's Winter Wondergraph Garland below:

 I was convinced I could make a thrifty version of this garland with materials I already had stashed at home. Land of Nod's description says they were made with "coated paper" so I decided to try using wax paper, using a technique I learned when I made my Faux Capiz Shell Chandelier.

Here's what you'll need to make this garland: 
  • wax paper
  • parchment paper
  • iron
  • circle cutter or scissors and circle to trace
  • white acrylic craft paint
  • string or thread
  • needle
  • round patterned adhesive stencil (I used Martha Stewart's craft line)
  • paint pouncer or craft paint brush
First,  iron three squares of wax paper together sandwiched in between two pieces of parchment paper. 

After paper is cool, use circle cutter to make circles a few inches wide ( or trace and cut out circles) I cut out twenty for my garland. 

Then, press your circle stencils to the center of paper circles and paint with pouncer or brush. 

I used two different sizes to create a lacey snowflake pattern. 

Finally, push thread in and out of top of each circle using a sewing needle until each circle is connected for your finished garland. 

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You can hang your finished garland in a Christmas tree, across a wall or in a window like I did. I love the delicate look of these in my kitchen window and plan on keeping them up all winter long! 
Thanks for visiting ReMadeSimple! 

p.s. If you loved this idea, please check out the rest of my holiday tutorials here!

Linking up with these parties. 


  1. These are totally lovely! I don't know if these Martha Stewart craft supplies are available in the UK but I have heard of these pouncers before (such a cool word!)

    Sarah @ A Cat-Like Curiosity

    1. Hi Sarah, if you can't find the Martha Stewart supplies, you could try a fabric doiley or strips of lace, and spray stencil adhesive also works great on paper stencils.

  2. This has such a clean, lovely look to it! I really like your choice to photograph it in black and white!

  3. You're so smart! These turned out great. I only need a stencil so I can knockoff you! Thanks for stopping by P3 today. :)

    1. Thanks, Sherry. And if you don't have a stencil, maybe using lace would work. Happy crafting :)

  4. So pretty Kristina! I'm going to try a version of this using the smallest paper doilies sandwiched between was paper. What do you think? I believe there are enough little 'holes' in them that they'll adhere to the wax paper. I like making Christmas decorations that are also 'wintery' decorations that I can keep up for the next few 'dreary' winter months! You did a lovely job on them!

    1. Thanks, Teresa! I think doilies would be pretty-and if they don't adhere to the wax paper, maybe you could add a little white crayon melted in between? just a thought. I love experimenting with new ideas like that. I agree-winter gets dreary, that's why I love leaving up a few pretty wintery decorations. I appreciate your sweet words :)

  5. That is cuteness in garland form! I love it!

  6. Thanks for linking up at the Ginger Jamboree! I featured your project today...come on over and grab a featured button if you'd like!

  7. beautiful! Love this simple DIY! I'm stopping by from the link party :)


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